“No history, no self ...
Know history, know self.”



About Ian

My work in hypnotherapy focuses on guiding clients toward their true selves, where unresolved trauma and resilience coexist. Through psychoanalytic and relational frameworks, I specialize in trauma and inner child healing, fostering growth not just on a personal level but in a way that acknowledges the impact of larger societal forces on our sense of self. I received my education and training in Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis from the Hypnotherapy Training Institute in Corte Madera, CA. I am currently deepening my understanding in psychological research, theory, and practice as a student clinical psychologist at the Wright Institute in Berkeley, CA.

Other educational backgrounds include:

Associate’s Degree in Psychology
Evergreen Valley College
San Jose, CA

Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology
San Francisco State University
San Francisco, CA

PsyD in Clinical Psychology
The Wright Institute
Berkeley, CA
3rd year Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student

A holistic approach: Ian’s culturally responsive approach to care, along with the integration of Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic theories and interventions, Narrative therapy, cognitive-behavioral strategies, mindfulness, and creative imagination all play a role in curating personalized sessions that best cater to the individual client.

In addition to their training, Ian is a proud member of the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.

Professional Associations

American Council of Hypnotist Examiners

Hypnotherapy Training Institute

American Psychological Association (APA)

APA Division 39: Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology

Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA)

AAPA Division of Filipino Americans


Our Story

Born-and-raised in the Philippines, Ian Abad moved overseas to Hawaii at the young age of six. Ian relocated once more, ultimately settling down in California in 2005. Holding an intersection of marginalized identities, Ian faced many barriers and disadvantages that led to feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness, and lack of belonging (within their culture of origin and the culture in which they resided in)—giving rise to a false self in order to survive their circumstances.

However, as they became increasingly involved within the Filipinx American community, they gradually learned to make sense of their experiences, paving the way for their True Self to emerge along with their future path. Additionally, finding community and education through ethnic studies brought Ian’s attention to an important aspect in progress through historical tragedies: resilience, resistance, and adaptability. In learning the history of Ian’s ancestors, the need to address the collective injuries that manifest in colonial mentality, intergenerational trauma, and varying forms of oppression motivated Ian to go beyond themself. Through their experiences advocating for the Filipinx community, Ian has also come to recognize the presence of similar themes across many communities on the downside of power (gender, sexuality, disability, ethnicity, immigration status, socioeconomic status, etc).

Born out of this dedication and passion for mental health, multiculturalism, and social justice, their desire to facilitate change by focusing on empowerment led to the conception of Sayá Hypnotherapy— to reclaim the power in the struggle for all people.

What is Sayá?

In the Tagalog language from the Philippines, the word sayá
has many meanings including: 

  • happy/happiness

  • joy/joyful

  • merry/merrymaking

  • cheer/cheerful

  • fun/delight

  • bliss

  • content

Behind the Logo

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